Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba & Saskatchewan update
Thanks to Ken Robinson, Susan Leitch & Brenda Marchese for their help indexing. Thanks to Marilyn Whiting, Ken Robinson, Arlene Salacki, Linda Nelson-Karg, Wendy Kreider, Judith Gleich, Charlotte McCrae, H…
Ontario update
Thanks to Tom Lumley, Kathy Taylor, Julie Turner, Corinna Rumble, Susan Leitch, Angie Garant, Lorna McLaughlin, Sue C, Brenda Marchese, and Tom Thompson for their help indexing. Thanks to Amanda…
Ontario update
Thanks to Sue C, Linda Brown, and Lorna McLaughlin for their help indexing. Thanks to Shady, Paul Armstrong, Lorena Uniac, Doug Smith, James Reid, Jennifer Lemay, Gary Pfeffer, Douglas &…