
CanadaGenWeb’s Cemetery Project is a volunteer genealogy project, we are not official representatives of any cemetery and cannot provide information regarding plot sales, placing memorials or any other question only the cemetery owner can answer.

Don’t forget our FAQ! Many frequently asked questions have been answered.

All the information we have on Canadian cemeteries is posted on the website. If you need more information than what is posted please try to get in touch with the cemetery itself (try, or a genealogical society that covers that area. 

We cannot fulfill lookup requests, however we do accept and post lookup offers from volunteers. You can find these offers on the cemetery page. If an offer is available please contact the volunteer directly. If no offer is posted get in touch with the genealogy society that covers the area you’re seeking. Some will do a specific search for a small fee or donation.

We are unable to assist you with your research. If you need genealogy assistance or or are seeking information on genealogy research in Canada please visit Canada GenWeb.

Additions or corrections?
Locate the cemetery or name and use the forms available on the cemetery page.

Question about a specific cemetery?
Locate the cemetery and use the forms available on the cemetery page.

Is there a problem with the website?
A 404 page or other operational issue? Please let us know.

General question about cemeteries in a specific province or territory?

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