Share your cemetery photos
Thank you for your interest in sharing your cemetery photos. It’s because of volunteers like you that our project exists!
In order to ensure that submissions are linked to the correct cemetery we ask that all submissions be made directly from the cemetery page. To locate the cemetery page, do a search for the cemetery then click on ‘view cemetery page’ (if the cemetery for which you have a submission is not yet listed on our website, please let us know).
We only accept photos from the photographer. Please do not send photos you did not take yourself.
🍁 We accept photos of headstones we do not yet offer, from any Canadian cemetery (check the cemetery page first please!)
🍁 Replacement and updated photos are welcome but please read the FAQ first.
🍁 Photos should be in jpg format and no smaller than 600×460 (if the inscription cannot be read the photo is too small!)
🍁 There are multiple ways to send photos (see a few here)
🍁 We only need one copy of each photo regardless of how many people are named on the stone.
🍁 All photos are indexed before being added to the website. Once indexed the photos will be included in the next update covering that province/territory. Please keep in mind that indexing does take time and our volunteers work as quickly as they can.
🍁 Indexes are welcome, however we have a set database structure and can only use indexes that can be easily slipped in. If your index does not fit we will be unable to use it, even if it provides additional information.
🍁 Our preferred index format is .xls (Excel), but we also accept .csv and .txt. [We cannot use .pdf, .wpd, .wps, or .ods]
🍁 More questions & answers can be found on our FAQ and volunteer pages.