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Browse by Province / Territory
Browse by Locality
Advanced Search
Additional tips for a more successful search
You can choose a province or territory and it will generate a list of known cemeteries in that area.
Once you click the search button you will be redirected to our advanced search page where the results of your search will appear. You can then used advanced search to expand or filter results.
View a list of all cemeteries within a specific locality. Each locality is an historic county, shire, RM, or region in each province or territory. If you don’t find a cemetery listed under a current locality, check under a previous or historical locality (for example, while Toronto is municipally independent you’ll find it under its historical locality of York County).
Once you choose a locality you will be redirected to our advanced search page where the results of your search will appear. You can then used advanced search to expand or filter results.
Advanced search allows you to filter search results. You can fill out any field, all the fields, or just one. You can leave any field blank if the information is unknown or if you want a broader search.
For example, if you’re seeking Mount Pleasant Cemetery, you can put Pleasant in the Cemetery search box and see all cemeteries with the word Pleasant in their name. If that’s too many you can narrow the results by adding another parameter like province or territory.
Once you’ve entered what you wish to search, hit enter on your device to start the search.
If you’ve already done a search and are trying another make sure all fields are empty first. Alternately, refresh your browser to clear the search and start fresh.
To learn more about each of the features offered by Advanced search, click here or keep scrolling down this page.

- The default is to show 10 records at a time. You can change this option to show 25, 50, or 100 records.

Including cemetery as part of your search is unnecessary.

Not all cemeteries have community locations available (especially if rural), and some may refer to suburbs if the cemetery is in a larger community (like Toronto). If a search using the community option shows no results try using the locality search instead.
If unsure of spelling, you can use all or part of the community name.

If unsure of spelling, you can use all or part of the locality name.

AB = Alberta
BC = British Columbia
MB = Manitoba
NB = New Brunswick
NL = Newfoundland & Labrador
NS = Nova Scotia
NU = Nunavut
NWT = Northwest Territories
ON = Ontario
PEI = Prince Edward Island
QC = Quebec
SK = Saskatchewan
YT = Yukon

Do a broad search
Search for just the cemetery name. Once results appear you can narrow them down by adding additional parameters (like locality) one at a time.
Avoid periods
Most cemetery names in our database do not include periods. Instead of searching for St. search instead for St or Saint (e.g. St Mary’s or Saint Peter).
Instead of searching for a whole word, search for just part. e.g. land will bring up all entries that include land like Oakland or Callander.
You can resort alphabetically in both ascending and descending order by clicking on the tiny arrows next to any column heading:

Try our Map
Our map project currently offers the location of approximately 1/3 of our known cemeteries (it’s a work in progress and additions to the map are always welcome!). You can use the map to search for a specific place (like Calgary or St John’s), then view all mapped cemeteries in and around that place.