Form (Add a Name)

BEFORE filling out this form, PLEASE read these instructions fully and carefully.


    If you are using a gmail address and receive "There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later", remove your address from the 'your email' field and add it to the end of your name, then try re-sending. Unfortunately our forms are temperamental with gmail addresses.

    If you have attached a file and receive "There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later" remove the file and in the 'additional info' field indicate you have a photo to share and the coordinator will be in touch via email. A fix for this issue is in the works.

    If you don’t wish to have your name credited, put ‘Anonymous’ as your name
    E-mail addresses are not posted on the website, they are requested in case our submissions volunteer has a question regarding your submission.

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