- New cemetery photos courtesy of Alison Mitchell-Reid, Chris Andrew, Donna Gable, Doug Gammon, Elon Hoover, Heather Badder, Janice Haines, JoAnne Wilson, Kate Ford, Randy Bertrand, Sharon Mattiuz and Sherri Pettit:
- Littlewood Cemetery
- Melrose United Cemetery
- Mount Pleasant Cemetery Sections D & S
- St Peter’s Cemetery
- Johnson Cemetery
- Port Dover
- St John’s Anglican Church Cemetery
- Windham Centre Cemetery
- Woodhouse United / Old Methodist Cemetery
- Iler (New) Cemetery
- Iler Settlement Old Cemetery
- Our Lady Of The Lake Cemetery
- Smith-Black Cemetery
- St Andrew’s Presbyterian Cemetery
- Woodslee United / South Woodslee United Cemetery
- Charing Cross United Cemetery
- Fairview Memorial Cemetery
- Owen Cemetery
- Shank’s Cemetery
- Shewburg Cemetery
- Elgin County:
Essex County:
Kent County:
Lambton County:
Leeds County:
Lincoln County:
Middlesex County:
Norfolk County:
Wentworth County:
Thanks to Alison Mitchell-Reid, Beth Victor, Kate Ford and Christa Sloan for indexing these cemeteries:
- Essex County:
Huron County:
Kent County:
Lambton County:
Lennox & Addington County:
Lincoln County:
Middlesex County:
Peterborough County:
Victoria County: