This year we are especially thankful for every volunteer and visitor who supported this project over the past year.
For those new to our project, a little over a year ago our website unexpectedly crashed leaving us scrambling to attempt to fix the unfixable. After weeks of work we made the difficult decision to rebuild the website on a completely new-to-us platform. The only silver lining was that we didn’t lose any of our data or photos (thank goodness for redundant backups!).
It was a challenging year learning this new platform but finally, the website has been fully restored. All the old features have returned and there are quite a few new ones. There are likely a few quirks to work out (please let us know if you find one) but overall things should work just as well as before.
🍁 All-in-one cemetery pages have returned! When viewing a cemetery page you’ll get all known information about that cemetery as well as scenery photos and the names index if available.
🍁 Person pages include links to associated names so you can see who else shares that stone or plot.
🍁 Forms have been updated and you can once again submit photos or small zip files (under 5mb) directly from the cemetery or person pages.
🍁 Simple person search is now available on our main page.
🍁 Advanced search allows you to do broad searches and use filters to narrow the results. Detailed search tips are also available.