Thanks to Angie & Bob Garant, Kate Ford, Sharon Irwin, and William Cooke for their help indexing.

Thanks to Bruce County Genealogical Society, Lolly Fullerton, Gary Pfeffer, Meg Tyler-Lane, Gilles Caron, Douglas & Donna Gammon, Sharon Irwin, William Cooke, Ron Bronson, Kim Ruthig, and Rev. Owen Juhlke for additions to:


Bruce County:
– Allenford Old Methodist Cemetery
– South Kinloss Cemetery
– St John’s Lutheran Cemetery
– Tiverton Cemetery

Carleton County:
– Pinecrest Cemetery

Essex County:
– Maple Leaf Cemetery
– St Joseph’s Roman Catholic (Old / South) Cemetery

Grey County:
– Hampden Cemetery

Haldimand County:
– East Seneca United Church Cemetery 

Hastings County:
– St James Roman Catholic Cemetery

Oxford County:
– Tillsonburg Old / Tillsonburg Pioneer Cemetery

Waterloo County:
– St Agatha’s Cemetery
– Woodland Cemetery

Welland County:
– Coloured / Rose / Little Cemetery Around the Corner / Dennahower / Curtis Road Cemetery

Wellington County:
– Arkell United Church Cemetery