Thanks to Carol Gilker and Kate Ford for their help indexing.

Thanks to Carol Gilker, Belinda Sommerville, Leo Allen, Sonia Godin, Jack Nathanson, Marshall Fowler, Susan McCloskey, Tammy Matchett, Ruth Lesblrel, Ronald Hope, Stephen Wisking, Gerry Flemming, Heather Mathis, Glenn Osga, Andrea Jolly, Anonymous, Maureen Anderson, Dorri Woodlock, Robert Martin, Cheryel Goodale and Thomas S. for additions to:


Kings County:
Big Rock Cemetery

Northumberland County:
Boiestown’s Old Cemetery
Maple Glen United Cemetery
Pine Grove Cemetery

Queens County:
Burton Family Cemetery
Upper Range Cemetery

Westmorland County:
Cookville Cemetery


Cape Breton County:
Lakeside Cemetery
Pioneer Cemetery

Colchester County:
Earltown Church / Knox Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Earltown Village Cemetery
Willow Church Cemetery

Cumberland County:
Collingwood Pioneer Cemetery
St Cornelius Roman Catholic Cemetery

Halifax County:
Camp Hill Cemetery
Mount Hermon Cemetery

Hants County:
High Head Cemetery


Bonaventure County:
Bayside Bible Chapel Cemetery
Escuminac Flats United Church Cemetery
St Andrew’s By The Sea Anglican Cemetery

Lotbiniere County:
St Sylvestre RC Cemetery
Trinity Church Cemetery

Baron de Hirsch Cemetery