Thanks to Sharon Mattiuz, Kate Ford, William Cooke, Lorna Eggert, Tim Campbell, and Alison Mitchell-Reid for their help indexing.

Thanks to Alana Walker, Sharon Brunet, Linda, Doug Smith, Gary Schumacher, Kate Ford, Kevin Martin, James H. Spence, William Cooke, Lorna Eggert, W. Blanchard, Tim Campbell, Sharon Mattiuz, and Alison Mitchell-Reid for photos of:

Homestead Burials

Brant County:
Westbrook Cemetery

Carleton County:
Beechwood Cemetery

Halton County:
Moffat United Church / Bethany Methodist Episcopal Cemetery

Huron County:
Maitland Bank Cemetery

Leeds County:
McCready Farm Cemetery

Lincoln County:
Heaslip Cemetery
Vineland / Vineland I Old Mennonite / Moyer’s Cemetery

Norfolk County:
Birdsell Cemetery
Bloomsburg Baptist Cemetery
Culver-Collver Cemetery
Oakwood Cemetery
Troyer Cemetery

Perth County:
Knox Presbyterian Church Cemetery

Victoria County:
Eden (Mariposa) Church Cemetery

Waterloo County:
Abandoned / Freeborn Private Cemetery
Baird Family Cemetery
Hallman Cemetery
Kinzie Biehn Pioneer Cemetery 
Linwood Union Cemetery
St Patrick’s Cemetery

Welland County:
Steele’s / Doan Cemetery

Wellington County:
Drayton (Old) Cemetery
Mount Pleasant Cemetery

Wentworth County:
Hamilton Cemetery