- Thank you to those who have answered the call for typists! Your help is truly appreciated. Help is still needed though, if you’d like to help index cemetery photos please volunteer as a typist.
- British American Institute Cemetery
- Desmond-Farslow-Traxler Cemetery
- French’s Cemetery
- Green Cemetery
- Henson Family Cemetery
- Noltie Cemetery
- Young’s Cemetery
- Ball’s Methodist
- Colborne Evangelical
- Ross Brucefield / Free Presbyterian
- Greenhill
- Hackett’s Methodist / Trinity United Cemetery
- Hope Methodist Church Cemetery
- Holmesville Memorial Cairn
- Kinburn United / Constance
- Londesborough United Cemetery
- West Wawanosh Memorial
- Clinton Public Cemetery
Thanks to:
Alison Mitchell (Middlesex County):
Doug Gammon (Kent County):
Doug Gammon (Lambton County):
Gary Schumacher (Bruce County):
Gary Schumacher (Huron County):
Jack Beeching & Gary Schumacher (Huron County):